Monthly Archives: October 2023

Percy Jackson and the Olympians ~ Window or Mirror?

I just finished reading House of Hades, Book 4 in the Heroes of Olympus series. It is by Rick Riordan (as are most good books) and takes place after the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. It is a fantasy book about Greek mythology. 

For me, this book was a window.

“What is a window?”,you may ask. Allow me to explain.

A mirror is a book where you can relate to one of the characters. A window takes you into their world, where you don’t have anything in common with anyone. Many books are both a window and a mirror.

As I said before, House of Hades is a window for me, and let me explain why! If you have read the book, you know what I’m talking about, but I’ve never been to Tartarus (how odd…) . Most of the people are older than me and I’m 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% sure that I am not a demigod. However, there is always that 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance that I may be a demigod…


Life, I mean. Not you.

I’m fairly sure that you are a perfectly weird person, just like me!!!! I wouldn’t be writing this sentence if I wasn’t at least 50% weird, in fact.

Before I go off on an infinitely long tangent, let’s get back on track.

I chose this book because I liked Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I hope you enjoy this book.

Read Maybe Daily News!

HONK!!! – famous quote from Gooseman, Harbinger of Honks.
Listen up!(oh wait, you can’t; Gooseman shattered your eardrums)
Let me rephrase that: look up!
Wait, that sounds like you are looking away from your screen.
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM (me using my obviously superior brain power)

Okay, moving on:

What is Gooseman?, you may be thinking (yes, I did just read your mind). If this is what you are thinking, YOU ARE SINCERELY MISINFORMED!!!!!
I’m sorry, but whatever newspaper or online news you read is making stuff up!
Read Maybe Daily News if you want to get caught up with the news and read the latest on Albert Spinkles, Gooseman, Cheezmaster CornDiggityDog and much more! Go to to read all about these…

…real people
Yeah, let’s go with that.